How to pick up girls at University

pick up girls university

In my opinion, there is nowhere better to pick up girls than at University. Chances are, this is the first time that both of you would have been living away from home on your own. The lady will be looking for somebody special to spend her time with and look after her, and of course, they want to have a little bit of fun at university too! Thankfully, picking up girls at university is simple, providing you know how of course!

One of the first things that you are going to need to bear in mind is the fact that ‘pick-up lines’ do not work on girls at university. They are a very sophisticated bunch. They thrive on intelligent conversation. Of course, this doesn’t mean that the conversation needs to be very intellectual, but you do need to have something to say if you want to stimulate her mind!

One of the best ways to pick up girls at university is to just get talking to them. There are tons of them out there, and they will be surrounding you. Talk to the girls in your class. You can talk about the subject that you are learning about. Just try and get them talking to you. This is the main thing! After that everything is easy!

If you really want to find some great women that connect with your ‘needs’ then I suggest you head to a club or a society of some sort that matches your interests. When you talk to women here half of the battle is done already. After all, you both share a common interest, and that is something that is incredibly important in a relationship! If you strike up a rapport with a delightful lady then why not invite her out for a coffee some time or another? I am sure that she will love this!

Of course, you could always go down the tried and tested route of picking them up at a party. I am sure that you will not be short of parties to attend whilst you are studying at university! Chances are you are also going to be in an area where alcohol is incredibly cheap throughout the week. Head to a pub or club and I am sure you will not be short of beautiful women to talk to here! Just remember, when you hook up with girls like this, chances are it may not last for longer than one evening unless you are INCREDIBLY interesting, so again, try to remember my point about having a stimulating chat with them. Make them want to remember you!

This is of course just a very quick guide on how to pick up girls at university. There is so much more than I have been unable to tell you. Just remember, go with the flow and strike up intelligent conversations. I am sure you will be able to score the perfect woman sooner or later!

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