Where to Pick up Girls in Toronto, Ontario

Picking up girls in Toronto, Ontario has never been easier. This lively metropolis is full of nightlife, not to mention remarkably beautiful women from all walks of life and no matter which hot spot one chooses to peruse in this area, they are sure to find a plethora of good looking girls who are also looking for a memorable date. While any place may be fraught with women, these are the Top 10 places to begin your search.

Century Room (580 King Street West)
The Century Room has been one of the most favored clubs in Toronto for decades and here you don’t need to wait until the clock strikes midnight to find beautiful women. The club fills up rather early in the night and the one leveled building makes it easy to locate the girls you are looking for.

The cover charge is $15 and you will want to arrive early. This is a great place for those looking for a younger, hip crowd as the nominal age is generally 22-35. Their dress code while lax will accept a nice pair of jeans and tee-shirts but it’s better to dress to impress here as the clientele tends to be on the chic and classy side.

The Madison (14 Madison Avenue)
For a relaxing evening without having to spend hours worrying about a dress code, The Madison is a perfect place to wear your comfortable clothes and not be inundated with loud, high energy music as is usually found in the clubbing scenes.

What is present here are down to earth girls, most of them local college students, who are ready to mingle in ease in the two story pub. Enjoy filtering between the indoor rooms and the oversized, outdoor patio during the warm months and there is no cover charge.

The place really starts hopping around 10:30 but get there a bit earlier to avoid long lines.

Muzik (15 Saskatchewan Road, Exhibition Place
Here you will find over 40,000 square feet of unadulterated space and an otherwise high class venue which is always happening and filled with the sexiest girls Toronto has to offer. It can be an expensive venture however, as parking is $10 and there is a $20 cover. The drink prices run a little high as well and the dress code includes collared shirts, pressed jeans and no sneakers. But if classy if what you are after, along with the area’s most talented DJs and women galore, this spot is worthy of checking out.

Brassaii (461 King Street West)
This club is best visited on Saturday nights and has a huge patio as well as a large dance floor to get your groove on. The crowd is upscale and friendly, as is the staff and though the dress code isn’t as strict as in other clubs, you will want to put in some effort getting ready. This is one of the trendiest and popular clubs so entrance should be by 10:00 p.m. or you will risk not getting in at all. The women are beautiful and easy to approach and the music is set at a reasonable decibel so you can chat away in ease. The cover is $15 but is well worth it.

This is London (364 Richmond Street West)
If overly crowded venues aren’t your thing, This is London is perfect as it offers a large venue, two separate floors and also is one of the only bars to also have a smoking patio. It does get crazy busy on both weekend nights so get there by 10:00 p.m. The cover is $15, reasonable for this area. The demographics are younger than other clubs as they allow 19+ but they are friendly and approachable and because it’s a hot spot, there are plenty of girls to choose from.

Drake Hotel (1150 Queen Street West)
This is more of a lounge than a club but the women here are stunning and friendly and it’s a great choice if you’re looking for a laid back venue without a dress code. The cover is $10 and they do have live entertainment but it’s not so loud that you can’t hear yourself think. The crowd is stylist and trendy, and the demographic is wide.

Spice Route (499 King Street West)
For dinner and dancing as well as your choice of gorgeous women, the Spice Route is a fantastic choice. The spacious restaurant serves amazing food at reasonable prices and come 9:00 p.m. it turns into a chic lounge scene which is especially popular in the warmer months. The crowd is trendy and upscale, and the staff is friendly. This isn’t necessarily where you will spend your entire evening but it’s a nice starter place.

Court House (57 Adelaide St E)
The busiest night here is Sunday but lately it’s been getting more packed on Saturday as well. The décor inside is stylish and hip and the cover is only $10 and it’s a popular hangout for other local bar staff in the area. Get here before 10:00 if you want a table or place to lean because after that it is mobbed and wear a collared shirt and nice shoes.


toronto pick up bars
toronto pick up bars

If you want to meet beautiful girls but hate the bar scene, any local will tell you to head on down to this hot spot where girls are known to hang out just waiting for Prince Charming to approach them. There is a Starbucks centrally located and this is a great place to converse with women easily and privately and the music which is hip makes for a romantic back drop.


toronto pick up girls
toronto pick up girls

This café is well known to be a hot meeting spot for women of all ages and cultures. Many people meet here during the afternoons to sit back and people watch, gather and chat and the coffee and snacks are delicious. It’s a good place to casually meet girls in an open and friendly atmosphere which could lead to a later in the day date where you can try one of the above listed clubs for some adult entertainment.

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