Where to pick up girls in Atlanta, GA?

The women of Atlanta, Georgia are incredibly sophisticated. So sophisticated in fact that the majority of places that you are going to head will be slightly different from the norm. Bars and clubs are going to be out of the equation for the most part when you are trying to find people within Atlanta, Georgia. Instead, you are going to be heading to ‘sophisticated locations’. Honestly, where else in the world would you head to a museum in order to pick up beautiful ladies? Let’s jump in.

Firstly, I want to mention a couple of ‘museum like’ locations. Different from the norm? You bet! The reason why these places are so filled with beautiful women is that where they are located is by and large a university area, which means that a lot of girls will be heading here to fill their minds with all sorts of knowledge. The two locations at the top of my list are ‘High Museum of Art‘ and ‘Atlanta Aquarium‘. Just go wherever excites you the most. They are of course two different locations, but they both have hot women in common.

The parks are also a fairly good location to pick up with women. My favourite is Piedmont Park which seems to attract the hottest. Just hang around here for a while and you sure to notice a couple who will tickle your fancy. Just a short distance away is Phipps Plaza, a location filled with a plethora of designer clothing stores, which of course means it should be high on your list. After all, it is going to be a location filled with women who care about their appearance! Atlantic Station is similar, but this area tends to attract more student women, and it often comes high on the list of one of the best places to pick up women in Atlanta, GA.

For bars, anywhere is really ideal to head. There aren’t many of them, although the ones that are about do tend to get filled up pretty quickly with tons of lovely ladies. Just try to hop from bar to bar until you find a scene that is fine for you. One of my favourites is XO bar, which has a lot of women, but it is fairly expensive to drink here. Perhaps a place to found off the evening? If you are looking for a good place to head then hop on over to ‘300‘ which has a lot of bowling lanes and bars inside. This of course means that it is a great place to pick up women. Number of restaurants close by if you manage to ‘woo’ a couple of them as well!

So there you have it, a quick guide of locations to pick up girls in Atlanta, GA. As I mentioned at the start, as there is a lack of really ‘stand out’ bars and clubs, it is worth looking in places slightly different from the norm. There are a ton of beautiful girls here, you just need to know how to find them!

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