How to talk to girls in Boston

[dropcap_red]O[/dropcap_red]ne of the biggest problems that men have in the whole ‘dating’ game is learning how to talk to girls. If you can learn how to talk to girls properly, and keep the conversation flowing, then you will find that everything is incredibly easy. No matter who you are, whether you are short and fat, tall and slim, or anything in between, you will be picking up more telephone numbers than you can shake a stick at.

One of the biggest problems that men have with talking to women is confidence issues. They simply believe that women aren’t going to speak to them, and therefore they don’t bother trying. This isn’t the case. I am sure that plenty of women out there are willing to speak to you, and perhaps even meet up again, you just have to take the plunge. Honestly, the worst thing that can happen is that they say no, and in a city as large as Boston, it is highly unlikely that you are going to see them again.

The majority of people that you are going to meet will be in locations where there is something to discuss. For example, at a music event or perhaps during a class you take. This is brilliant, because you already have common ground in which you can bond over. This is perhaps one of the most vital parts in keeping a conversation going.

When talking to girls ALWAYS use ‘open-ended’ questions. You don’t want to ask questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no. You cannot expand on this, and you simply cannot keep the conversation flowing. Some of the best guys in the world at ‘chatting up’ girls have a list of questions they want to ask as conversation starters (tailor to the situation) and perhaps a couple of deeper questions. Never discuss politics or religion. At least not when you are starting to talk to a girl you don’t know anyway. These are going to set you on the fast course to ‘ruin’.

Finally, always show interest in what the girl is saying. Genuine interest, let her talk and don’t talk over the top of her. Every so often you may also want to throw in a couple of compliments, but don’t overdo it. Eye contact is also a must!

One thing you do need to remember is to not use ‘cheesy chat up lines’ when talking to girls. They are going to hear these all day long, and to them you will be just another random guy. Instead, you want to do something that makes you stand above all the other guys, do something that will make them listen. All the girls want is you to act like yourself. They don’t want a fake guy. Trust me, you are interesting, so get talking, there is a good chance they are going to listen. If they don’t, then move onto the next girl, no big loss here. It just means she wasn’t right for you.

I really do hope some of the tips above are going to help you out, although it is no use simply thinking about them. Instead you need to go and start talking to women, put these tips into practice, and you are almost guaranteed to meet a couple of girls who are willing to talk to you.

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