Where to pickup girls in San Diego

San Diego is the 8th Largest City in America, and the second largest in California. And believe me when I say that this city is full of a lot of fine ladies for you to pick up. However, where are the best places to pick up girls in San Diego? Let’s take a little look.

Without getting too specific, let’s take a look at some of the ‘traditional’ places in San Diego to pick up girls. If you live in this city then you are incredibly lucky to have a plethora of parks and open spaces. Get here early and there will be a lot of girls to talk to! Manage to pick one up? Then head to one of the nearby coffee houses and bond over a cup of coffee. Of course, if you aren’t this type of person you can always head to one of the community centers which run various ‘groups’, some of them are going to based around your interests. You will be able to bond with women here!

Now that is out of the way, let’s look at some of the specific clubs and bars where you will be able to pick up some of the most beautiful girls in San Diego. Whilst you can head anywhere, I have had particularly good experiences in all of these:

1. Stingaree is absolutely fantastic club! Although you will need to call in advance to get into the club. It is very loud and there is a massive dance floor for you to dance the night away on. What you need to be aware of however is the fact that it gets packed very quickly. There is a lot of space around here though, and there are a LOT of lovely ladies.

2. The W Rooftop Club is also a brilliant way to go. The drinks are expensive though. It is very comfortable inside and it feels like you are partying at a beach! Lots of people come here, but they don’t come to dance, instead they are here to chat. Great for picking up ladies, although do turn up early if you want to get in (it fills up quickly)

3. The Hard Rock Bar is the final place I want to mention. This is a fairly empty bar, but many of the people that turn up to the bar are women, which is always a plus point! Lots of places to sit and a lot of make-out spots. All in all, you will have a lot of fun here, especially since the drinks or so cheap.

PART 2: Pick up bars and clubs in San Diego

Of course, this is just a highlight of the plethora of places where you can go to pick up women here. There are so many places I haven’t mentioned! Honestly, any bar or club near the center of the city is going to be packed to the brim with ladies. Just prepare those sexy pickup lines and give it a go, I am sure you will get a bite sooner or later.

San Diego Girls Picture Gallery

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

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