Top 10 romantic things to say to your girlfriend

Girls absolutely love a true romantic, however, from time to time it can be tough to come up with the words that are going to blow her away. In this list I have compiled some of my favorite romantic lines that you can use to ‘woo’ your girl. Of course, tailor them to your girl and the length of the relationship, no sense saying ‘I love you’ to a girl after one date is it? So without further ado, let’s jump right on in there!

I Love You

This is perhaps one of the powerful lines in existence when it comes to romance. However, you do need to be very sure that you mean those words. Your girlfriend will see right through them if you aren’t serious. The first time you say these words is going to be something very special.

You Are Beautiful

This is another one of those favourites. A girl absolutely loves being told she is beautiful, even if she doesn’t let onto the fact. Again, make sure you mean it here (although who doesn’t think their girlfriend is beautiful?). Don’t use words such as ‘cute’ or ‘pretty’. I find that the word beautiful is so much more effective.

I Miss You

From time to time you are going to be apart from your girlfriend. Therefore the words ‘I Miss You’ are going to be great. It lets her know that you are thinking about her, and it will make her all giddy inside!

You Make me Happy

Your girlfriend hopefully makes you happy. Let her know that from time to time. Slot this into conversation and she will love you a lot! It lets her know that she is appreciated.

You Complete Me

This is sort of similar to the ‘You Make me Happy’ Line. Let a girl know that you wouldn’t be half the man you are if she wasn’t by your side. Again, this is another one of those lines which will make a girl go crazy for you. It will show that she is appreciated, and more importantly, you are in this for the long term.

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