Best places to pick up girls in Nashville, TN

Nashville, TN is a place absolutely swarming with lovely ladies for you to pick up. As a result, it can be pretty hard to pinpoint a location where you should focus the majority of your efforts. Do not worry though, this article is going to help you out! I want to run you through best places to pick up girls in Nashville, TN.

  • I have to start this list with Vanderbilt University, or at least the district that surrounds in. The whole area is swarming with fantastic women who frequent the bars around here. There are going to be thousands of them for you to talk to! Even if you are the unluckiest person out there, I am sure you will be able to find the perfect lass!
  • The Parthenon is the place that you need to head in the summer. Tons of lovely ladies sunbath here. It is completely free too! I am sure you will be able to spot a couple of women who tickle your fancy.
  • Nashville Zoo is one of the best zoos in the world (seriously!), and honestly, you cannot beat a good zoo for picking up ladies. They are always swarming with them! It is pretty easy to strike up a conversation here too, which is always a plus!
  • If you want to pick up a lovely tourist for just one night then I do not think there is a better place to head than Broadway. This is fantastic for music, and the area that is most populated with tourists. There are so many bars here it is unreal. All of them of course will be swarming with gorgeous ladies.
  • Whilst the Titan’s Stadium is better known for its sports calendar, throughout the year there will be a plethora of events that you can attend. I suggest that you keep an eye on the calendar for the stadium. If something catches your interest then head to it. Pretty easy to hit on women if you share the same passions after all.
  • The area surrounding Opryland Hotel is brilliant for women. There are a number of restaurants and bars in the hotel. You will also find a shopping mall around the corner. Where better to pick up women than a shopping mall?
  • If you are heading to Broadway then make sure you head to Riverfront Park too which is right at the end of it. This place is always packed with people. I am sure you will be able to find a couple to talk too!
  • General Jackson Showboat is the place to head if you want a good old ‘southern’ time. Bear ad food is free flowing here and tons of entertainment going on. This is the perfect place to get a girl as she will be having a ton of fun already!
  • Virago is located on Music Row. It is the perfect place to head after work. The main reason for this is that there are always a number of women in here relaxing sipping on a good cocktail.
  • The District is a newish area of Nashville. There are a lot of restaurants here, and cafes! It is VERY relaxed. I suggest heading here on a Sunday if you want some of the best women to choose from.
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